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Standard Hopper Dryer
Standard Hopper Dryer
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● Adopt hot air diffuser to gain an even hot airftow to improve drying


● Hot air inLet eLbow design can prevent dust piLing up at bottom of the

pipe heaters so as to avoid bumlng,,● All material contact surfaces are made of stainless steel to etiminate

material contamination.

● Hopper separated from its base. erlsuring convenient cleaning.

● All series are equipped with exposed power switch.

● ForSHD-25-150SL, heater pipe5are colrlnected byaluminum sheets

1ind ol:her modets are equipped with temperature protectiorl to prevent

heater pipe from damaging by btower faults.

● Overheat t:ripping can automaticauy cut off powerwhen drying temperature

exceeds set deviation value.

● Adopts heat-insuLated bLower to proLong bLower Lifespan.

● Alt series of modeLs standard equipped with7-day timing and irltermittent

operation function,,● ALl series of modeLs3dopt mlcrocomputer controL and RS485

communication port.

● Max. drying temperature isl60℃.

■ WorkingPrinciple

ln the drying process, hot alr with constar1t temperature is b1owrl by a blower into a two-Layer in5uLated hopper to dry the materials. Moisture wiLL be separated out arld taken away by hot air. thu5 to gain a satisfiel:l drying effect.

Air bLowlrl out of blower became high temperature drying air after being heated. Through screen protectorand hole screen, l-lot air l[:an be ecluabLy dispersedln the material of storage tank(see picture). Hot air recycler is optional so the air enter drying blower after being fLtered to form a cLosedloop circle and save eLectridty.

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