Introduction to the planetary strander process
 Nov 29, 2021|View:734
In the wire and cable industry, it is inevitable to use the planetary strander, so planetary strander process operating procedures do you understand?

For planetary strander stranded wire, if the concentric layer stranded wire, need to consider the stranding machine to put the number of discs and the size of the disc with it, followed by the stranding direction, the pitch length and do not want to back twist. If it is a compound strand, you also need to consider the strand deformation, which will analyze the strand structure, specifications, materials, to determine the process data, and finally to choose the right stranding machine. If it is a bundle of products, in addition to the number of reels and size of the payoff tray, the determination of the size of the take-up tray of the stranding machine is much more important than planetary strander.

planetary strander

If it is how thick the single line with how big the payoff tray, and there are no strict rules, then it should be based on the length of the prescribed to order, fine wire choose a small wire tray, thick wire choose a large wire tray.

Generally speaking, the cage stranding machine speed is much lower than the fork stranding machine, and the fork stranding machine speed is much lower than the tube stranding machine.

Another point is that commonly used stranding machines are double-pitch floating cradle form.

How to do a good planetary strander stranding self-test?

As a company, the proper operation of the machine is very necessary. In order to make the production of better appearance of finished products, better quality and minimize the loss caused by human beings, stranding machine in the process of use, should do the following several tasks.

Planetary strander (Permanent magnetic tension, multi-motor rigid)

1, check the previous process strand conductor without red, black phenomenon.

2, to confirm that the number of strands in the upper process root, the correct direction, complete identification, neat row of lines.

3、Verify that the packaging of the wrapping tape is intact and that the markings and specifications are consistent with the process requirements.

4, check the actual operation of production in line with the process card requirements.

5, examine the appearance of stranded wire round and neat, good tight compression molding, no missing strands, jumping wires, leakage of packages, etc..

6、Check that the loading capacity of this process meets the requirements of the upper tray, the wire tray is intact, and the line is neatly arranged.